What is a DOSHA & why should you care?
Remember the five elements (space, air, fire, water, earth) we studied in grammar school? Understanding that the elements create patterns of energy inside our bodies as well as within our surroundings enables us to understand the three doshas - Vata, Pitta, Kapha. Each of us has a unique combination of the elements which form our unique blend of physical, mental, and emotional characteristics. Identifying your dosha make-up is the first step to finding out what you need to do to create greater balance in your body and life.
Do any of the characteristics below sound familiar? Take a few minutes to answer a few questions about your frame, skin type, appetitie, routine, temperament, stress response, and shopping style. If you havent dosed off yet and are curious about what your answers mean, contact me and we'll put the pieces together. If you did doze off or got distracted, all the more reason to schedule a consult today...
A sampling from the DARE Dosha Quiz
No answer is right or wrong!
am enthusiastic/joyful.
find my skin is usually dry and flaky.
am a fast talker.
am competitive.
feel critical & intolerant.
get headaches.
am controlling & stubborn.
feel my skin feels hot and/or I break out easily.
love spicy food.
get rashes & hives.
am resistant to change.
learn fast but forget.
am a spectator and dont like to participate.
like to buy luxury items.
seek constant change.
feel sluggish/drowsy after meals.
have excess sweat/body odor.
have good stamina.
am a light sleeper/insomnia.
am restless/active.
am a hoarder.
am nurturing & loyal.
dont like to spend money.
have difficulty falling asleep.
am a quick learner.
feel worried and anxious.
find my digestion is irregular with gas & bloating.
find my digestion is slow.
Ayurveda (Ayur means Life, Veda means Knowledge) is India's 5,000-year-old system of natural healing medicine. As the "science of life," Ayurveda uses poses (asana), breath work (pranayama), meditation, diet, lifestyle, herbs, and aromatherapy to help create a daily routine of balance. According to Ayurveda, good health occurs when there is a state of balance between the mind, body & one's environment.
Decisive, Ambitious, Intelligent
Calm, Cooling, to loosen your grip
Active, Creative, Sensitive
Grounding, Warmth, a comforting routine
TRAITS: Dependable, Contented, Empathetic
Stimulation, Warmth, to uproot lethargy