No matter the time of year, establishing a daily routine is vital to sound sleep.
Check out the check list below and fold in some or all of the actions into your daily routine to assure you a good night's sleep.
During the Day
- Establish a daily routine and stick to it
- Focus on sweet, bitter, astringent foods
- Vigorous exercise only during Kapha time of day (6:00 – 10:00 am)
- Biggest meal at Noon
At Night
- Early evening meditation (10-15 mins)
- Dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime
- Pranayama – Bhramari
- Chandra namaskar
- Legs up the wall
- Take a hot bath
- Massage the feet and scalp with warm oil (leave on over night)
- Karna purana (ear oiling)
- Keep the bedroom on the cool side, dim, and dark
- Journal to clear your mind of daily dilemmas and emotions
- Shut down all stimulation 1 hr before bed
- No reading or electronic devices in bed
- Go to bed when ready to surrender to sleep (don't want to equate the bedroom with stress and dis-ease)
- Unable to sleep: get up and make a to-do list to clear what is on your mind. Then get back between the sheets (no T.V. or devices)
Schedule a Daily Dynamic consult.
I would love to work with you on ensuring you get the good night sleep you need and deserve.
Night, Night...sleep tight!